Sometimes I like to think we all have at least one good book in us. I do enjoy a good story, with a beginning, middle and end. Our lives are epic stories, unfolding with many twists and turns.
Currently we’re on the last paragraph of our Cotswolds chapter. We’ve turned the pages here for nearly a year. In many ways I’m sure it’ll be emotional, having that last drive through the gates and meandering through the local village onto, once again, the open road. Even reflecting upon some of the memories made here is making me well up. I’m so glad that we have them.

Being at the top of a hill with its stunning scenery, revealing its beauty through the seasons, has been awesome. Both of us have seen muntjac deer on the grounds on separate occasions, seen sparrow hawks and plenty of Redkites and buzzards flying in ever moving circles daily. Plus a peregrine falcon graced us late last year. At present we have green woodpeckers which have fledged here, flying away making their calls as we walk about.
A few yellow wagtails have flown into windows and doors, leaving them dazed. So they've been given shelter til they've recovered. One wagtail, however, couldn’t fly very well and got picked up mid-flight by a rook. Something that was difficult to witness.
It’s a delight to see the hares darting around and the big momma sometimes basking in the sunshine with three exploring leverets nearby. There’s been another brood of three leverets but I’ve only seen one recently. Plus I ain’t seen big momma for a few weeks. I hope she’s ok.
Some of the sunrises here have been gloriously spectacular but recently I prefer a lie-in than to witness them. The sunsets are just as stunning, always better when shared without a word being said. Even the nature around us is silent as the sun dips from vision.

A good end, to a good view, to a good day, to a good chapter.