A recent poem. Written for a shindig this weekend called Caravan of Love. A riot of a night with music, cabaret, a fashion show, spoken word. food and dancing.
Let us be free
Let us be free to be beautiful.
Let us be free to be our best selves, our worst selves,
Our in-between, wobbly, sometimes nervous,
Sometimes overcompensating selves.
Let us be free.
Let us be free to be playful and unashamed.
To display our colours from the inside out.
To run and shout and giggle.
Let us be free.
Let us be free from the spectators
Who sit on the sidelines and try to define us,
Rolling their eyes or whispering to the side,
Sometimes loud enough for us to hear.
Let us be free.
Let us be free because we are here.
In our bodies, in our lives.
In the messy, glory grace of it all.
Let us be free to revel and cherish every moment of it.
Let us be free.
Let us be free to love and learn and let go,
To love and learn and let go,
To love and learn and let go.
However many times we need to.
Let us be free.
Let us be free to be free.
Let us be free to just be.
Let us be free.
Let us be free to be beautiful.
Let us be free to be courageous.
Let us be free
You and me and us and we.
Let us make the absolute best of all we are.
Let us be free.